Faculty & Staff
We are proud of the incredible work we do at SUNY Adirondack, and grateful for each of you. On this page, you will find resources to facilitate your work.
Useful links
Bookmark this link, so you have the academic calendar at your fingertips whenever you need it!
College Catalog
If information isn't in the catalog, you likely won't need it. OK, we know that's an exaggeration, but this is a handy guide to all things academic at SUNY Adirondack.
Brightspace, bright futures
Hop into our learning management system easily.
Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) request
Our focus is care and concern for students, faculty and staff members who might be in distress. We coordinate resources and implement a centralized response, with the goals of providing assistance to the individual and keeping our community healthy and safe. If you are reporting an imminent threat to life/safety, call 911 or Public Safety at 518-743-SAFE (7233), or on campus Ext. 7233 (SAFE).
Marketing and communications
The college's Marketing team (OK, duo) is happy to promote your events, brand services and spread word about all the incredible things you do. We also have tools in place to help you create flyers, brochures and materials for internal audiences. If you're unsure if you should handle a project on your own, please ask. We are happy to help you determine the best way to move forward.
Printing and copying
Our on-campus Copy Center ensures you have the documents you need.
Space use request
Holding an event or meeting? Please request the space. Before filing a request, please refer to the Facilities Use Policy No. 3603.
Having trouble with a printer, internet connection or other IT-related issue? We can help!
Work order request
Our Facilities team keeps the campus running comfortably and safely.
Teaching & Learning Collaborative
The Teaching & Learning Collaborative (TLC) at SUNY Adirondack provides dedicated instructional support for credit and noncredit teaching faculty by offering online teaching support, training, workshops, self-paced resources and a dedicated faculty resource space.

Supporting mental health
As a JED campus, SUNY Adirondack is dedicated to increasing support of student well-being and mental health. The program is a nationwide initiative of The Jed Foundation to help schools strengthen mental health, substance misuse, and suicide prevention programs and systems to ensure they offer the strongest possible mental health safety nets.
Help students in distress
The college's Counseling Center provides a guide for assisting students when they need it most.
Help lines
Please print this "You are not alone" quick resource flier to ensure students experiencing mental health emergencies know where to get help.