Privacy Policy

When you use the SUNY Adirondack website the college uses common web technologies to automatically gather and store the following non-personally identifiable information about your visit, including:

  • User client hostname. The hostname or Internet Protocol address of the user requesting access to the SUNY Adirondack website.
  • HTTP header, "user agent." The user agent information includes the type of browser, its version, and the operating system on which the browser is running.
  • HTTP header, "referrer." The referrer specifies the web page from which the user accessed the current web page.
  • System date. The date and time of the user’s  request.
  • Full request. The exact request the user made.
  • Status. The status code the server returned to the user.
  • Content length. The content length, in bytes, of any document sent to the user.
  • Method. The request method used.
  • Universal Resource Identifier (URI). The location of a resource on the server. Query string of the URI. Anything after the question mark in a URI.
  • Protocol. The transport protocol and the version used.
  • The user identifier from the computer accessing this website if that computer voluntarily responds to a UNIX IDENT query issued on UDP port 113.
  • None of the foregoing information is deemed to constitute personal information.

The information that is collected automatically is used to improve this website's content, to help SUNY Adirondack determine effective advertising efforts and understand how users are interacting with the website. This information is collected for statistical analysis, to determine what information is of most and least interest to our users, and to improve the utility of the material available on the website.