Community Hub
We want our students to reach their educational goals at SUNY Adirondack.
The Community Hub is dedicated to helping SUNY Adirondack students remove barriers, and can provide support and free referral services, including:
- Securing health insurance
- Assistance with enrolling in SNAP benefits
- Transportation needs
- Counseling (family and individual)
- Drug and alcohol counseling
- Tax preparation
Hub services

Food Source
All students can feel welcomed, comfortable and empowered at The Hub's Food Source. The Food Source is open to all SUNY Adirondack students from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday within the confidential Counseling offices in Washington Hall. Please bring your own bag, as there may not always be bags available. The Residence Hall Food Source is open to students residing in our Residence Hall.

Professional Clothes Closet
Do you have a big interview coming up or a presentation you want to look your best for, but don’t have the right attire? SUNY Adirondack offers a professional clothing closet some new and barely worn items, including blouses, button-up shirts, men's and women's dress pants, dresses, shoes and more. There are no income guidelines to get clothes from the closet.
Tara Booth
- Assistant professor of Counseling
- Coordinator of Community Connections
- counseling@sunyacc.edu
- 518-743-2278
- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Washington Hall, Counseling Suite