- Student Success
- Veterans Resource Center
- Peer-to-Peer
We exist to help veterans by creating a community of veterans helping each other. We also provide direct assistance to veterans.
Need help getting to a VA appointment? Want to know the benefits available to you? Trying to file for disability? We’re here to help!
Reach out

Need help?
If you need assistance or have ideas for how we can better provide for our region's veterans, let us know!

Join us!
We have opportunities for you to volunteer to help regional veterans.
Past events

Polar Plunge at Winter Carnival

Winter Carnival

Wiawaka retreat

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

VFW Walk

Veterans Ball

Tubing trip

Greenwich and Johnsonville train trip

Suicide Prevention walk

Softball game

Snowshoeing trip

SFC Coon Christmas Eve walk

SFC Coons Christmas Eve march


Painting at the Quarry House

Christmas party

Thunder hockey game

Camp Chingachgook


Camp Chingachgook

Laser tag
Military education
- Randles Veteran Resource Center at SUNY Adirondack — Located in the Student Center, Randles Veteran Resource Center provides military students with study and recreation space, while providing a setting to meet and socialize with other veterans and service members. The center also serves as an information hub where students can access veteran-specific materials relating to campus resources, VA benefits, community-based veterans organizations, and upcoming campus and community veterans events. The center is equipped with computers, printer, television, refrigerator, microwave and a coffee maker for military students’ use.
Veterans service/education benefits
- Providing services to veterans and dependents of veterans has always been a priority for SUNY Adirondack. A New York State Veterans Benefits advisor is available right on campus to work with students who have questions or need assistance in applying for Veteran Educational Benefits. Students can stop by Randles Veteran Resource Center for assistance. Veteran Educational Claims are processed through the Office of the Registrar.
Veteran services at SUNY Adirondack
- For your convenience, there is a Full-Service Veterans Benefit Office on campus, located in Randles Veteran Resource Center. Ruben Acevedo, our Veterans Benefits advisor, wants to remind all student veterans and eligible family members, that he can assist with a wide range of Veteran Services. Here are just a few:
- Assistance with applying for educational benefits, and other veteran benefits
- Assistance with completing applications for compensation (service-connected disabilities) or pension (non-service-connected disability)
- Assistance with completing applications for VA Health Care
- Request veteran’s separation records (DD 214) and Medical records
- Assist survivors of a deceased veteran in obtaining death benefits such as burial in a national cemetery, burial allowances, government grave marker and survivor benefits
- In addition to the above, the following information on other veterans benefits is also provided:
No expiration date on the Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefit. Service members whose last day of Active Duty is on or after Jan. 1, 2013, and Fry Scholarship recipients who become eligible on or after Jan. 1, 2013, no longer have a delimiting date (their Post-9/11 GI Bill will never expire).
Local and county veterans resources include:
- Civil Service preference
- Veteran property tax exemption
- Return the Favor discount card program
- Transportation to and from Albany VAMC (see below)
- Assistance in obtaining discharge records and medals
Contact information
- Warren County Veterans Services: 518-761-6342
- Warren County Transportation Service (offered Monday through Friday): 518-761-6342
- Washington County Veterans Services: 518-746-2470
- Washington County Transportation Service (offered Monday through Friday): 518-746-2470
The County Veterans’ Services are teams who persistently advocate for support of veterans and their dependents and advise them about any/all policy and regulations that affect their daily lives.
This includes:
- Assisting veterans, spouses, dependents and survivors with claims to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs
- Assisting with applications for pension, compensation, education, medical, burials and home loans
- Assisting with vocational rehabilitation and employment services
- Resume development
- Job seeker skill development
- Job training
- Assistance in starting a business
- Providing transportation to and from the Albany VAMC on a daily basis
- Helping with independent living services for severely disabled veterans
- Assisting with discharge records, medal and award requests
- Advocating on behalf of all county veterans to ensure they receive the maximum benefits to which they are entitled to under federal, state and local laws
Contact information
New York state
- Jane Zalsky, Veterans Benefits officer
Email: jane.zalsky@veterans.ny.gov
Website: https://veterans.ny.gov
Address: 111 West Ave., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Benefits information: 1-888-838-7697
Warren County
Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Denise A. DiResta, director/CVSO
Email: direstad@warrencountyny.gov - Cindy Harris, office specialist
Email: harrisc@warrencountyny.gov - Transportation service
Round-trip to VAMC in Albany offered at 8 a.m. Monday through Friday, with two pickup locations.
Call to schedule: 518-761-6342
Washington County
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Kenneth R. Winchell, director
Email: kwinchell@washingtoncountyny.gov
Website: https://www.washingtoncountyny.gov/456/Veterans-Services
Address: 383 Broadway, BLDG A, Rm A118
Fort Edward, NY 12828 - Michael Alexander, deputy director
Email: malexander@washingtoncountyny.gov - Payton Bessette, office manager
Email: pbessette@washingtoncountyny.gov - Transportation service
Offered Tuesday and Thursday
Call to schedule: 518-746-2470
- Civil Service preference
- Blind Annuity Program
- Veteran driver’s license/custom license plates
- Homes for veterans (ownership)
- Park pass, hunting and fishing licenses
- Service-disabled veteran-owned business certification
- Tuition/scholarship awards
- Supplemental burial allowance
- State veterans’ homes
- Gold Star parents annuity
- Employment and training
Survivors’ benefits
- Dependency and indemnity compensation (service-connected death)
- Surviving spouse death pension (non-service-connected death/income based benefit)
Contact information — state agencies
- NYS Division of Veterans’ Affairs: 888-838-7697
- Local NYSDVA Representative Harry Candee: 518-761-6342 (Tuesday and Thursday); 518-832-7744 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
- Mental health resources: 518-926-3265
- https://veterans.ny.gov/
- https://www.ny.gov/services
- Civil service preference
- National Park pass
- Homeless veteran programs
- VA medical and dental
- Compensation — service-connected disability
- Pension — non-service-connected disability (income based)
- Vocational rehabilitation
- National Cemetery
- Burial allowances
- Headstone/marker
- Presidential memorial certificates
- Home loan guaranty program
- Specially adapted homes
- Life Insurance
Contact information
- Department of Labor Veterans Representative: 518-743-0925, ext. 8884
- Albany Stratton VA Medical Center: 518-626-5000
- Armed Forces Foundation: 202-547-4713
- Department of Veterans Affairs: 800-827-1000
- National Call Center for Homeless Veterans: 877-424-3838
- Adirondack Vets House – Longer-term facility to house veterans in Glens Falls
- doggie paddle for veterans – Program to raise money and awareness for veterans in need of service dogs
- Elite 9 Veteran Talent Acquisition – Employment and recruiting for veterans
- National Veterans Foundation
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
- Soldiers’ Angels – Support for active duty deployed, veterans and families
- Soldier On Veterans Outreach
- Stop the 22 A Day – Veteran suicide awareness and assistance program
- Veterans & Community Housing Coalition – Veterans & Community Housing Assistance Program for homeless veterans
*Please note: This list is provided as a resource. Adirondack Peer-to-Peer and the Joseph P. Dwyer program do not endorse these resources. Use these resources at your own risk.
In the news

Coordinator named
Marine Corps veteran and SUNY Adirondack alum Jeremy Duers named to oversee Peer-to-Peer
Contact us

Jeremy Duers
- Coordinator, Veterans Peer to Peer