- Faculty Queensbury
Mark Dragoni
- Assistant professor of European History
"My favorite part of teaching is when a student surprises me with a new point of view during class discussion. No matter how many times I teach a topic, my students always bring some new insight to the class."
Professor Dragoni's research focused on identity and citizenship in the Atlantic World during the French Revolution. His research looked at smuggling during the Napoleonic Wars and the conflict between modern citizenship and early modern commercial practices in the Atlantic World. The meaning of citizenship, belonging and loyalty were all up for negotiation.
Professor Dragoni's latest class, Magic, Religion and Witchcraft (ANT 220), looks at religious beliefs and rituals, supernatural monsters and the figure of "the witch" in the world. Professor Dragoni teaches courses on the West and the World (HIS 101, HIS 102) and U.S. History to 1877 (HIS 103). He has also taught classes on world history, American democracy, historical methods, religion and a class on piracy, "Pirates, Smugglers & Criminals."
Ph.D. in History from Syracuse University, 2018; Master of Philosophy in History from Syracuse University, 2013; Master of Arts in History from Syracuse University, 2013; Bachelor of Arts in History from Maryville University, 2010