- Faculty Queensbury
Wendy Johnston
- Associate professor of Political Science; Chair of Social Sciences Division
- SUNY Adirondack delegate to the Faculty Council of Community Colleges; chair of the Faculty Council Governance Committee
"I love the 'aha!' moments, when students light as their understanding of a concept, theory or idea solidifies. You can almost see the light bulb shine above their heads. These moments bring me such joy and energy."
Wendy Johnston is a self-proclaimed political nerd, with a research and teaching focus on generational politics, women in politics, civic engagement and discourse. Wendy is a recipient of the SUNY Adirondack President's Award for Excellence in Teaching Junior Faculty (2011), American Political Science Association Recognition of Teaching Excellence (2011) and the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2015); Wendy shares her passion for teaching, politics and shared governance with her students and colleagues. Always seeking ways to inform and improve her teaching, Wendy has served as Faculty Fellow at the Washington Center, Washington, D.C., in January 2010; and a Lumen Circles Faculty Fellow in fall and spring of 2021 and fall of 2022.
Associate degree in Liberal Arts and Humanities from SUNY Adirondack, 2005; bachelor's degree in English with Distinction from The College of St. Joseph, 2005; Master of Arts degree in Political Science from the University at Albany (SUNY), 2008
Hobbies and interests
Wendy lives in Saratoga with her spouse. Her grown children live in Arkanasas, Florida and New Hampshire. She has two grandchildren. She spends her free time practicing the art of Zen Tangle, photographing where nature is reclaiming space and sharing her love of political cartoons. Summers are often spent near water, camping in Vermont.