Registrar's Office
The Registrar’s Office is the official record keeper on campus. If that sounds important, it's because it is.
The Registrar's Office helps you with a number of necessary services and ensures your experience at SUNY Adirondack is documented accurately.
The Registrar's Office certifies student enrollment; collects immunization records; confers degrees; certifies veterans; issues academic transcripts; maintains an official academic record of each student; processes course registrations, grades, and name and address changes; and reviews and evaluates coursework taken at other institutions.
Additional services
Request a transcript
If you're using your SUNY Adirondack degree to transfer to a bachelor's degree program or applying to a job that requires a transcript, our simple online service can get you what you need.

Advanced standing
Your education and work experience helped get you where you are today, and we know that's important. At SUNY Adirondack, your past helps fuel your future by turning your experience into credits toward a degree.
Take a class or two
SUNY Adirondack is a great place to take a class or two — even for those not interested in earning a degree. (Such students, by the way, are referred to as "non-matriculated," and they're an important part of our campus community.)