Campus email
All staff and faculty are assigned a SUNY Adirondack email account: Students use SUNY Adirondack Wolfmail accounts, which can be accessed with their personal Network ID and password, while faculty and staff use SUNY Adirondack gmail.
These accounts are the official form of communication in regard to all business pertaining to SUNY Adirondack.
If the option is taken to forward mail from an official account to an outside service provider, you do so at your own risk. All members of the community are responsible for checking their email frequently and consistently (at least once a day is recommended) for official correspondence and with familiarizing themselves with the content of official messages.
Access your email
Students can open any internet browser and go to
Use and your password to log in.
If you do not have your Network ID and password, log in to Banner, then Click “Enter Secure Area” and enter your information. Your User ID is your nine-digit Banner ID number, beginning with 50.
Click the tab labeled “Personal Information,” then “Lookup Network ID and Password.” From there, you will enter your Banner ID and PIN again. Then, hit “Next.” You have 30 seconds to take down your Network ID and password.
Your email address
A student email address is Faculty and staff email is
Once logged in, the contents of your inbox will be displayed. The inbox will list your email messages with the most recently received messages first.
To read a message in your Inbox, simply click on the subject of the email, underlined in blue. This will bring you to a screen where you can read your message. If an email message has an attachment, it will have a plus sign in front of the subject.
To open or save the attachment, scroll to the bottom of the message and look for a link with the attachment’s name. Click on that link to open or save the attachment.