Accessibility Services Office (ASO)
Our office works to guarantee all qualified students are afforded the same collegiate opportunities available to the general college population, that no student be denied the benefits of any college program or activity and that no student be subjected to discrimination.
The Accessibilities Services Office provides equal access to the college’s programs, services and activities for individuals with documented physical, learning and psychological disabilities. To receive accommodations, an individual must self-identify with the Accessibility Services Director and provide appropriate documentation. This information is confidential and is securely maintained in the Accessibility Services Office.
Students with a disability should:
- Make an appointment to meet to discuss your accommodation requests. At the meeting, please bring a completed registration form and documentation supporting your request. (For most students, "documentation" is your IEP or 504 plan from your high school and your most recent psychological-educational evaluation. If this does not apply to you, please read our Documentation Requirements for the acceptable form of documentation to submit.)
- Check your campus email at least a week before classes start. You will have an email with your accommodations letter attached. You can then forward the email to your professors, depending on which classes you will be using your academic adjustment.
- New students may wish to make an appointment with the accessibility assistant once classes start to review the process for testing appointments and discuss any concerns. Returning students will also need to come in for an appointment if they wish to change or add any accommodations.
Schedule a test

Safety net

I didn't always use the Accessibility Services Office, but it was a safety net for me, which made me feel super comfortable."